Alternative Process To Forging Of Round Or Cylindrical Solid Components.
Highly specialized, metal saving, highly efficient class of equipment is used for forming of axisymmetric parts under the pressure by altering their cross-section by the method of cold, warm, and hot rolling.
- Cold Cross Wedge Rolling is used mainly for the manufacture of axisymmetric parts, allowing the molding pressure at normal temperatures and compressions. Cold rolling advantages: improvement of strength properties as a result of strain hardening, high dimensional accuracy, almost the final shape and high quality of the surface of the part.
- Hot rolling (t=1000 – 1250°C) is applied to form complexly-shaped parts with a 4-5 draft for one travel.
- Warm rolling (t=500 – 700°C) is used for production of finished parts or preforms with minimum stock for further machining.